Sharks are one of the most dreaded creatures on Earth (possibly thanks to Spielberg's classic horror movie Jaws). They are apex predators with razor-sharp teeth and a taste for blood. But there's more to them than horror stories tell. Did you know that sharks have been around for over 400 million years? Compared to sharks, humans - or Homo Sapients - have been on this planet for a measly 200,000 years!
Numerous shark species may be found in the seas surrounding Florida. These include the iconic Great White sharks and Bull sharks, Tiger sharks, and Hammerhead sharks. Each species has unique characteristics that make it special.
Whether you love them or fear them, there is no denying that sharks are one of the most intriguing animals on the planet. If you want to learn more about these amazing creatures, in this blog, we share interesting facts about sharks around the world and sharks in Florida, in particular.
Ten Interesting Facts About Sharks
Let's start the count down with basic facts and get to stranger things as we go.

#10: There Are Hundreds Of Distinct Shark Species
There are nearly 500 species of sharks, which are further categorized into eight orders:
- Carcharhiniformes
- Hexanchiformes
- Heterodontiformes
- Lamniformes
- Orectolobiformes
- Pristiophoriformes
- Squaliformes
- Stephanoberyciformes
More commonly known shark species include the Great White sharks, Bull sharks, Tiger sharks, Hammerhead sharks, and Whaler Shark, Angel Sharks, Carpet Sharks, and Dogfish Sharks.
Each type of shark has unique physical features that help them survive in its specific habitat. Most sharks grow between 4 and 5 feet long but range anywhere from a few inches to 40 feet in length. They live in different habitats worldwide, including freshwater lakes and rivers and saltwater oceans.
#9: Sharks Are Not Composed Of Bone
Sharks are one of the most feared predators in the ocean, but did you know that their skeletons are quite delicate? Unlike other fish, sharks do not have bones. Instead, their skeletons are made entirely of cartilage and connective tissue. This makes the shark's skeleton much lighter than a bone skeleton and allows them to be more flexible.
This flexibility is essential for shark hunting, as it allows them to make sharp turns when chasing prey. In addition, the lack of bone in the skeleton makes the shark's body more buoyant, allowing it to float more easily in water. So next time you see a shark swimming through the ocean, remember that its skeleton is very different from yours!
#8: Sharks Don't Sleep
Most people are familiar with the image of a shark swimming lazily through the ocean, its blank expression giving nothing away. However, many people don't know that sharks don't sleep like humans and other animals. Since some shark species have to keep swimming to breathe, they cannot enter into a deep sleep state.
Instead, sharks remain semi-conscious, moving just enough to stay afloat and keep water flowing over their gills. While this may seem like a disadvantage, it gives sharks a unique advantage. Sharks can sense danger quickly and respond accordingly by remaining semi-aware even while sleeping. In addition, this constant low level of activity helps to keep their muscles toned and their senses sharp. As a result, sharks have evolved to be one of the most successful predators in the animal kingdom.
#7: Like Us, Sharks Have Personalities
We assume that all sharks are aggressive. However, new research shows that sharks have personalities, just like humans. Studies have found that sharks exhibit different behavior patterns depending on their personalities. For example, some sharks are more adventurous and willing to take risks, while others are more cautious and conservative.
This variation in personality is thought to be due to genetic factors and the environment in which the sharks are raised. Sharks are not simply mindless creatures of instinct but rather complex beings.
#6: Sharks Are More Inclined To Attack Men than Women
According to National Geographic, of all documented shark attacks since 1580, 93 percent have been on males. This is probably because the most common victims of shark attacks are surfers, swimmers, and fishermen, who are more often men than women.
In addition, sharks are attracted to areas where there is a lot of activity in the water, and these areas are more likely to be occupied by men than women. However, it is important to remember that shark attacks are still relatively rare and that the vast majority of people who go into the ocean will never have an encounter with a shark.
#5: Female Sharks Can Reproduce Her Own
Female sharks are fascinating creatures in the animal kingdom. They are born with all the eggs they will ever need and don't require a mate to reproduce. Instead, they can produce offspring through a process called parthenogenesis, in which an unfertilized egg develops into a fully formed shark.
While this ability is relatively rare in the animal world, it's not without drawbacks. For example, parthenogenesis can result in reduced genetic diversity, making populations more vulnerable to disease. Additionally, female sharks who rely on parthenogenesis may have difficulty finding mates when they need them.
#4: Some Sharks Go Through A Two-Year Pregnancy
Gestation periods vary widely among shark species, but some of the longest-pregnant sharks are also some of the largest. For example, whale sharks and basking sharks can be pregnant for two years. The female shark will carry hundreds or even thousands of babies during this time, known as pups.
The length of pregnancy is determined by many factors, including the mother's size and the species of shark involved. This is likely because it takes longer for large embryos to develop and grow inside the mother's body. As a result, female sharks must invest considerable time and energy into carrying and giving birth to their young.
#3: Shark Embryos Fight Each Other
Sharks are quite tough, even from a young age. Even as embryos, sharks attack and eat each other! This phenomenon is known as intrauterine cannibalism. In this process, the largest embryo in a litter will consume its fellow embryos, often resulting in only one baby shark being born.
While this may seem like a brutal way to start life, it gives sand tiger sharks an advantage over other species. These sharks are born much larger than their counterparts, which helps to keep them safe from other predators. As a result, intrauterine cannibalism may be one of the reasons why sharks have been able to thrive for millions of years.
#2: Sharks Used To Be The Size Of Skyscrapers

As big as some sharks can be, their ancestors are even more impressive. For example, Carcharodon megalodon, which first appeared about 16 million years ago, grew to 55 feet long and weighed up to 25 tons before going extinct about 2.5 million years ago. Their teeth could be up to 7 inches long, and they had a bite force of 10-20 tons. (Today's great white shark, by comparison, only reaches 18 feet in length and 3 tons in weight.)
Megalodon was the top predator, eating dolphins, whales, and other megalodons. Its large size may have been due to a warm climate and an abundance of food. But as the Earth's climate cooled and the seas became more crowded with competitors, megalodon may have struggled to find enough food to sustain itself, leading to its extinction. Nevertheless, this ancient shark still haunts our imaginations, thanks to its size, power, and ferocity.
#1: Humans Are Their Biggest Adversary
Sharks are one of the most feared creatures in the ocean, and for a good reason. These predators have been known to attack humans, and their quick movements and razor-sharp teeth can be deadly. Sharks have no natural predators. According to shark researcher Samuel Gruber, humans are by far the most dangerous predator of sharks.

According to research, humans kill about 73 million sharks each year. The majority of these deaths are due to commercial fishing, but a significant number are also the result of shark hunting and accidental catches in fishing nets. With such a high level of killing, it's no wonder that some shark populations are in decline.
As top predators, sharks play an important role in maintaining the health of marine ecosystems. Their extinction can cause a ripple effect that disrupts the entire food chain. As we continue to learn more about these amazing creatures, we must do our part to protect them.
Most Common Sharks in Florida
There are more than 50 sharks in Florida waters, including some that can grow to more than 40 feet in length. The vast majority of these sharks pose no threat to humans, and many are quite small.
However, a few species grow to large sizes and have been known to attack humans. These include bull sharks, tiger sharks, and great white sharks. While these species are not the most common, they can be found in all parts of Florida, and sea-goers need to be aware of them.
In addition to these large species, many smaller sharks are quite common in Florida waters. They include the blacktip shark, the bonnethead shark, and the nurse shark. While they are not typically aggressive, they can still cause damage if they mistake a person for prey. As a result, it is important for everyone who plans to enter Florida waters to be aware of the different types of sharks that can be found there.
Here are the most common sharks in Florida waters.
Great Hammerhead Shark

The Great Hammerhead Shark is one of the fascinating shark species we encounter. They are a sight to behold with their long, flat heads and distinctive "hammer" shape. Even though they are one of the largest types of hammerhead sharks, they are still relatively uncommon in the wild. Great Hammerheads usually inhabit tropical and subtropical waters around the world.
These fascinating creatures are a wonderful addition to the underwater world and provide us with a unique glimpse into the lives of sharks. In Florida, they can be seen from January to May. Despite their intimidating appearance, the Great Hammerhead Sharks are not particularly dangerous to humans. However, they should still be respected and treated with caution.
Bull Shark
Bull Sharks are one of the most commonly seen sharks in Florida's waters. They are also the only known shark that travels from seawater into freshwater environments. They are typically found in shallow coastal waters and can be seen year-round. However, they are more common from January to June. Bull Sharks get their name from their wide, flat snout and stocky build.
They can grow up to 11 feet long and weigh up to 500 pounds. Despite their size, they are relatively timid sharks and are not known to be aggressive toward humans. However, they should still be respected as they are powerful predators. If you're lucky enough to see a Bull Shark while diving in Florida, it will be a memorable experience.

Sandbar Shark

Sandbar sharks are a requiem shark, which means they are related to other sharks like the bull shark. They are characterized by their long pectoral fins, tall dorsal fin, and pale color. Sandbar sharks are found in warm waters worldwide, including on the coast of Florida.
They typically only come close to shore during the summer months, from May to August. They are a popular sight for beachgoers and fishermen alike during this time. Because they are relatively large and often swim close to the surface, sandbar sharks are also a favorite choice for photographers looking to get up-close-and-personal shots of these impressive creatures.
Dusky Shark
Dusky Sharks are ovoviviparous, which means they give birth to live young. Dusky sharks are found worldwide in temperate and tropical waters and spend most of their time in depths greater than 100 feet. Dusks can grow to be 12 feet in length and weigh as much as 1,000 pounds! These sharks have long, slender bodies with pointed snouts and small eyes. The dorsal, or top side, of the Dusky shark is dark gray to almost black, while the ventral, or bottom side, is much lighter.
One of the most interesting facts about Dusky sharks is that they continue to grow throughout their lifetime - scientists believe they may live up to 50 years or more! Thanks to current protections, we now have a chance to see what the healthy populations of these magnificent creatures look like. If you're lucky enough to spot one while out on the water, enjoy the experience and appreciate this incredible animal!
Silky Shark

As any scuba enthusiast knows, few creatures in the world inspire as much awe and respect as sharks. Humans have feared these powerful predators for centuries, and their reputation as man-eaters is well deserved. However, not all sharks are created equal, and some species are quite gentle. The Silky shark is one such species, and these beautiful creatures are commonly found in schooling with others of their kind.
Unfortunately, they are also the second most killed shark globally due to by-catch, so we are lucky to have a sustainable population here in Florida. So put on your scuba gear and head on down to the Florida Keys for an unforgettable experience! If you're interested in seeing silky sharks in their natural habitat, the best time is from June to August.
Tiger Shark

The Tiger shark is one of the most curious shark species. Found in the warm waters of the Florida Keys, the Tiger Shark is a top predator. These sharks can grow up to 16 feet long and weigh over 1,000 pounds. While they are not the largest shark species, they are one of the most dangerous. Tiger Sharks are aggressive and have been known to attack humans.
For those looking for an adrenaline-pumping driving experience, shark diving in Florida is a must-do activity. However, they are also one of the most popular sharks for diving. Divers can see Tiger sharks in Florida from December to July. During this time, the Florida Keys are home to many Tiger sharks, where divers can have the opportunity to see these magnificent creatures up close.
Nurse Shark

Nurse sharks are common in Florida but rarely seen at the surface. These bottom-dwelling sharks can grow to be up to 14 feet long and weigh up to 1,500 pounds. Nurse sharks are gray or brown and have stocky bodies with long tails. They get their name from their habit of lying motionless on the bottom, often in groups, which resembles a group of nursing nuns.
Nurse sharks are not considered dangerous to humans, but they can deliver a powerful bite if provoked. These sharks are most active at night when they hunt for small fish, squid, and crustaceans. During the day, nurse sharks often rest in caves or crevices. If you're lucky enough to see one of these majestic creatures while in Florida, be sure to give it plenty of space and admire it from a distance.
Lemon Shark

Lemon shark is one of the most common types of shark found in Florida. They get their name from their yellowish color, and they can grow up to 10 feet long. These sharks are typically found in shallow coastal waters, and they feed on fish, squid, and crustaceans.
Lemon sharks are relatively docile creatures, and they pose little threat to humans. There have only been a handful of Lemon shark attacks on record, and none of them have been fatal.
However, it is still important to be cautious around these animals and give them plenty of space. If you're lucky enough to see a Lemon shark while swimming or surfing in Florida, enjoy the experience from a safe distance.
Caribbean Reef Shark
The Caribbean Reef shark is a common sight in the coastal waters off the coast of Florida. These sharks are most commonly seen during the summer months when the water is warm, and there is abundant food. Caribbean Reef sharks are relatively small, measuring just 6-8 feet in length. However, they are fierce predators, preying on fish, squid, and octopi.
Caribbean Reef Sharks are known to attack humans if they feel threatened. As a result, it is important to be careful when swimming in areas where these sharks reside. If you see a Caribbean Reef Shark while swimming, it is best to move slowly and calmly out of the area.
More than 50 different species of sharks can be found in the waters off Florida's coastline. Each type of shark has its unique features, behaviors, and habitat preferences. Although they may be different in many ways, all sharks should be respected and admired from a safe distance.
If you're lucky enough to see one of these amazing creatures while in Florida, take the opportunity to learn more about them and appreciate them while staying safe. By understanding more about these fascinating animals, we can help to ensure their conservation for future generations.
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